Neil Hugh Office
MEL 10.21, 04.47AM
NYC 10.21, 04.47AM
LDN 10.21, 04.47AM
TYO 10.21, 04.47AM
MEL 10.21, 04.47AM
NYC 10.21, 04.47AM
LDN 10.21, 04.47AM
TYO 10.21, 04.47AM
MEL 10.21, 04.47AM
NYC 10.21, 04.47AM
LDN 10.21, 04.47AM
TYO 10.21, 04.47AM

Robin Boyd Foundation #amplifyourvoice

This June, NHO helped the Robin Boyd Foundation (RBF) raise $75k for new design education and advocacy programs.

Marking the release of ‘After The Australian Ugliness’, the ‘Amplify Our Voice’ campaign target of $25k was met in just 72 hours, with matched dollar for dollar funding provided by Creative Partnerships Australia. With continued interest in supporting the cause, RBF introduced a stretch target of $50k to further amplify the voice of good design – ultimately raising more than $75k in just four weeks. Thank you to all who contributed; a testament to our community’s value of design and unwavering support of Boyd’s legacy.

Photography courtesy of RBF.